They might have existed for 500 years.
But I was not aware or exposed to them until I heard Van Halen.
And the Ramones.
i'm trying to understand which chords these are, in terms of piano.
it's off helmets song "blacktop".
|-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| play x 3 | pm................................................... play x 4 outro |-------------------------|-----------------| |-------------------------|-----------------| |-------------------------|-----------------| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| play x 12* |.
They might have existed for 500 years.
But I was not aware or exposed to them until I heard Van Halen.
And the Ramones.
when did you discover that the god of bible - and the loving god that you had worshiped your entire life - were not the same?
how did it affect you?.
When did you discover that the God of Bible - and the loving God that you had worshiped your entire life - were not the same? How did it affect you?
How did it affect me.
It made me stop and reflect and try to reconcile things.
It forced me to ponder God or no God.
And that has been a big question for a long time in my life.
One answer is the old testament Jehovah is the New Testament Jesus.
They are one and the same.
We all owe God one death and we all have a resurection and a judgment.
There are reasons God did what he did.
One can google them.
Ultimately we choose God or no God.
And I am not even sure that choice affects things or not.
was it necessary for god to kill all innocent firstborn children?
no other way out for the almighty god?.
You know deep down that things don't come from nothing. We came from God...
Anyone else see a problem with this? If something cannot come from nothing, then who made god? Theists answer: no one. He's always existed. Ah! So something CAN come from nothing!
If something can come from nothing then it is possible for our Universe to have come from nothing. No god is necessary.
Shirley. I have always seen both sides.
Even when I was a child back in the 50's.
That is why I am intellectually torn on the subject.
In our universe nothing comes from nothing.
God is outside our universe.
He is outside the box.
So whether God had a begining or not outside the box is inconsequential.
God exist outside time. Time only exist in our universe with man.
I do see the problem you have with my statement
You know deep down that things don't come from nothing. We came from God...
and that is the other side of the coin, or issue.
My bottom line is I see both sides of the argument.
Which puts me on the fence and causes me to piss evryone off.
i'm trying to understand which chords these are, in terms of piano.
it's off helmets song "blacktop".
|-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-------------------------------------------|---------------------| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| |-7--7--7-7-3--3--3-3-5--5--5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| play x 3 | pm................................................... play x 4 outro |-------------------------|-----------------| |-------------------------|-----------------| |-------------------------|-----------------| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| |-0-0-0-/7--3-3-0-3-4-5~~-|-6-5-3-0-3-5-3-0-| play x 12* |.
Hello little socrates.
I admire your understanding of theory.
I have about 50 guitars and am building a recording studio.
I have been playing since the beatles came out in the 60's.
I have never used a power chord.
I don't think they existed back in the 60's
Or as you infer whether they exist at all.
I always thought people that used them did not know how to play the guitar or were lazy.
For the most part I never cared for bands that used power chords or how the guitar sounded in them.
I don't think Hendrix, Beck, Clapton, the Stones or the Beatles, Steely Dan, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, Satriani
ever used them.
Van Halen did, and that is where I drew the line.
They took the perfect Rock song You really got me
and ruined it with power Chords.
I don't think the Kinks used Power chords on the original.
What do you think?
as part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
James; are you saying Stegs lived in the 12th / 13 th Century? Because that is when the Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia was built.
Cant leave.
I am just asking why is there a dinosaur in stone on the temple?
it is xmas time and perfumes and colognes are on the list.
what do you really love for a scent if you were being given a gift?.
I always get a lot of compliments when I wear Joop.
Also L'Eau D'Issey.
as part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
I did google the ica stones.
Because of the governments prosecuting people who sell artifacts the person who sold them said he made them.
I was in the law business when I worked.
That is called duress.
I will give you that the waters are muddied on the Ica stones.
But googling mens drawings of dinosaurs led to the above link with a lot of evidence.
They even have stone carvings of dinosarus in an 800 year old Buddist temple in Cambodia.
as part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
It should read men have drawn picturs on stones with them.
Tell me why are the stones bogus?
was it necessary for god to kill all innocent firstborn children?
no other way out for the almighty god?.
The evidence that there is a God presented by humans and science and interpreted or missinterpreted
by individuals.
Is that we are here against all mathematical odds.
And that this earth is inhabitable against all mathematical odds.
The earth is presicse if it were closer or father or angled differntly we would not be here.
You know deep down that things don't come from nothing.
We came from God who is outside of our universe and understanding.
One thing where there is solid evidence, is that you don't believe in education, that is perfectly clear and recognized.
I have hundreds of books. Many of my books are pro and con on the subject.
And I have been to college and certified to teach.
You are very gullible and unable to interpret what you see.
If you watched the videos I posted you would not ask where is the evidence.
You blew your load when you attacked me.
I take that as you have nothing and you are throwing in the towel.
In this post the real only thing I am doing is exposing people to Trey Smiths videos.
Finklestien you have to be an ignoramous to read my above post and interpret that I am against education.
as part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
I do not know what JW's believe today. I have been out since 83.
I do not know if dinosaurs were around millions or hundred of thousands of years ago.
But I do believe they coexisted with men in modern times.
Men have drawn pictures on stones with them.
Trey smith has a good video on the God project regarding dinosaurs it is long but if you are interested and havent already made up your mind check it out. I can think of a hundred reasons not to be a Jw. But dinosaurs and the flood are not one.